Your Free 1 Week Course To A Healthy Life

Heal Leaky Gut, Inflammation, Liver Toxicity, Adrenal Burnout, Negative Beliefs & Trauma

Better Weight, Sleep, Confidence & Energy
Less Anxiety, Depression & Sadness
Great Gut & Liver Health
Less Pain & Inflammation
Detox & Better Immunity
Get Your Free eBook & Video Course Now

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Who Benefits From This Course

"Dr. Ameet gives simple steps to help you recover from anxiety, depression, stress and burnout, and with long-lasting results"

- Dr. Hyla Cass MD, Bestselling Author & Holistic Psychiatrist, USA 

“I thank Dr. Ameet because he doesn't want to slam pills down your throat, he really wants to know what's going on, whether it's something interior with your organs or something emotional. He really cares about his patients and wants to change the way people think of medicine."

- Valentine Holden, Switzerland

"I have been having issues with trauma, energy, weight gain, and insomnia. Slowly but surely, as I proceed through the course, things are improving. Forty some years of issues all being released and flushed from my system!"

- Sunny G, Holistic Therapist 

“Dr. Ameet's course changed my life. I used to be overweight, fatigued, very depressed and ached all over. Now I can run, feel confident and even feel more intimate in my sex life. . Thank you!”

- Sarah B, Mindset Coach


Why Heal Your Mind & Body Together?

If you struggle with…


  • Anxiety…
  • Depression…
  • Insomnia…
  • Hormonal Imbalance…
  • Digestive Issues…
  • Skin problems…
  • Or any other chronic condition

You may have BOTH physical and emotional causes.

But most therapies that focus on healing your body IGNORE your mind, and those that focus on healing your mind IGNORE your body.


Not this approach.


Here's how your mind-body approach works

Heal Your Body

Whether you have anxiety, depression, gut issues, weight gain or hormone imbalance, you will heal much faster and more completely by reducing chronic inflammation, toxicity and burnout, and by treating the root cause. 

You will start using the best foods, herbs, supplements and homeopathic remedies to heal your mind and body together

Release Painful Emotions

Your nervous system needs to be free of stress, painful emotions and past traumas for your mind and body to heal fully. 

To help you release damaging emotions and feel more confident, you get to heal with powerful techniques like Gestalt Psychotherapy, EMDR and Family Constellations Therapy 

Empower Your Mind

Self sabotaging behaviours and thoughts ruin your abundance, relationships and health. Learn simple techniques so that you feel more empowered to live an authentic and abundant life.


I’m Dr. Ameet Aggarwal.


With more than 15 years of helping people like you get to the root cause of physical and emotional turmoil, I understand how challenging and complicated it can seem.


I’m Here to Help.


●  Credentials as a naturopathic doctor, psychotherapist, homeopath, EMDR, and Family Constellations therapist

●  Best-selling author of Heal Your Body, Cure Your Mind.

●  Voted one of the top 43 therapists worldwide for combining mind & body medicine. 

End Your Illness & Emotional Pain

Heal faster by healing your gut, liver, adrenals, emotions & mindset together

Feel Amazing About Yourself
Reduce Weight & Bloating
Great Gut & Liver Health
Lots more Energy
Powerful Immune System
Inner Peace & Confidence
Less Pain & Inflammation
Herbs, Homeopathy, Foods & Trauma Release

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